If you have blackheads, pimples, and other blemishes on your face, you will probably have a difficult time fixing this aesthetic issue on your own. You might spend your time applying creams and serums that damage your skin and don’t improve your acne. At Radiant Reflections Weight Loss Clinic & Medspa in Hattiesburg, MS, we can improve your complexion by providing you with laser acne treatment.
How Much Does Laser Acne Treatment Cost?
The cost of your Laser Acne Therapy will depend on the severity of your pimples and other blemishes, your cosmetic objectives, and several other variables.
A Customized Treatment
We will adapt your laser acne treatment to match the unique skin problems that you are experiencing. If you are trying to improve a large number of acne scars and pimples on your face, you will probably need to have more laser sessions. As a result, your treatment will probably cost more money and take us a longer period of time to complete. In contrast, you will pay less if you are treating minor cosmetic issues.
Before we send laser energy into your skin, we will look at your pimples, scars, and other blemishes. At this point, we will tell you the specific cost of your laser treatment.
A Cost-Effective Option
Although the cost of your laser treatment will vary, this technique is an inexpensive, efficient way to improve your acne. If you use at-home remedies to fix this problem, you might spend a large amount of money on expensive creams and serums that fail to improve your complexion. The cost of trying multiple remedies will add up very quickly.
In contrast, our laser treatments will quickly clear your skin and brighten your complexion. You’ll be able to stop wasting money on ineffective creams and other expensive beauty products.
Why Have I Developed Acne on My Face?
There are a number of reasons why you have whiteheads, blackheads, and other blemishes on your face. The skin on your face has a large number of sebaceous glands. These glands produce oil that will increase your chance of developing acne. Over time, the hair follicles in your face can become congested with dead skin cells, oil, or bacteria.
When the oil and bacteria in your pores are exposed to the air, these substances will turn brown, and you will develop a blackhead. If your blocked follicles are inflamed, you will develop red and white pimples.
What Factors Will Increase My Risk of Developing Acne?
There are a number of characteristics that can enhance your likelihood of developing whiteheads and other blemishes. In addition, some factors can increase the quantity and severity of your acne.
Your Diet
Scientists do not fully understand the connection between your eating habits and the severity of your acne. However, some scientific studies show that eating bread, chips, and other foods that are high in carbohydrates could cause your acne to become more severe.
Your Hormones
When you go through puberty, your body will produce higher amounts of androgens. These hormones will increase the size of your sebaceous glands and cause your body to produce more oil. As your oil increases, you will be more likely to develop clogged hair follicles and other problems.
If you are a woman, you will experience hormonal changes later in your life. These hormones can cause you to develop frequent breakouts. You can also develop acne when you go through pregnancy.
Your Genes
As you might expect, acne and other skin problems run in families. If your mother, father, or other relatives experienced frequent breakouts, you will be more likely to have acne during your lifetime.
Your Lifestyle
Certain substances can irritate or clog your skin. For example, using oily creams may increase your chance of developing pimples and blackheads. If you frequently use very strong soaps or beauty products to scrub your skin, your tissues may become irritated, and your acne could worsen. In addition, wearing clothing with tight collars or spending a large amount of time with a phone pressed against your face can lead to pimples and other skin problems.
Your Medications
Taking certain medications can cause you to develop acne on your face and other places on your body. In particular, medications that contain testosterone or corticosteroids could worsen your acne.
Your Moods
If you frequently experience stressful emotions, your existing blackheads and other blemishes could become more severe.
Will Eating Greasy Food Cause Me To Develop Acne?
You might believe that eating greasy foods like french fries or pizza will cause you to develop acne. However, this is not correct, and consuming oily foods will have a minimal effect on the condition of your complexion.
What Should I Expect During My Acne Treatment?
You’ll receive your acne treatment at our beautiful office in Hattiesburg.
Treating Your Skin
We will start your acne treatment by sending laser energy into your skin. This energy will pass into your deeper tissues without creating burns, wounds, or other issues on the surface layers of your skin. As the energy reaches the deeper tissues in your face, your body will begin making new collagen fibers. These strong fibers will minimize your acne scars and correct other cosmetic problems.
Since we will carefully control the amount of energy that we send into your facial tissues, you will feel very relaxed and comfortable during your acne treatment.
Completing Your Treatment
After we have finished improving your acne scars, pimples, and other blemishes, we will apply a cool mask onto your target area. This mask will soothe your skin.
Will I Have a Long Period of Downtime After I Receive My Laser Treatment?
Our sophisticated laser will improve the condition of your acne without damaging your skin. As a result, you won’t need to postpone social events, change your exercise plans, stay home from your work, or make other adjustments to your schedule. Instead of going through a long recovery period, you can immediately return to your busy life in Hattiesburg.
Although you won’t miss social events or deadlines at your job, you will need to protect your skin after you get this treatment. In particular, we will advise you to wear sunscreen every day.
When Will My Acne Improve?
You will notice a positive change in your complexion as soon as your first laser treatment is complete. During the next several weeks, your blackheads, scars, and other aesthetic issues will continue to improve.
Can Laser Energy Be Used To Improve My Other Aesthetic Issues?
In addition to clearing up your pimples, we can use laser energy to treat many other aesthetic problems.
Acne Scars
If you suffered from severe acne breakouts when you were a teenager or young adult, you might have noticeable acne scars on your face. These scars may cause you to lose self-confidence and feel unhappy with your appearance. Our laser energy can fade these scars and give you clear, healthy-looking skin.
Pigmentation Issues
Developing sun spots and other pigmentation problems can cause your complexion to look blotchy and uneven. We can use our laser energy to fade your sunspots and improve your other pigmentation challenges.
Visible Veins
Spider veins are visible blood vessels that appear on the surface of your skin. You will become increasingly likely to develop this vascular issue as you continue to age. In addition, spending a long amount of time in the sun may cause you to develop broken blood vessels on your face. We can use our laser to minimize your spider veins.
Large Pores
Receiving excessive amounts of sun exposure can cause your pores to become more noticeable. In addition, your skin will become less elastic as you get older. This change will stretch your skin and cause your pores to look larger. Our laser can improve the condition of your pores and make your skin look softer and more youthful.
Beard Bumps
If you have curly facial hair, you are likely to develop uncomfortable beard bumps on your face. These bumps develop when your facial hairs curl into your skin. These bumps can cause your face to become itchy and painful. In addition, you might not like the way that these bumps look. Receiving laser treatments is a good way to minimize these uncomfortable blemishes.
Unwanted Hair
Receiving a laser hair removal treatment is a fantastic way to eliminate unwanted hair on your face and body. We can remove hair from your legs, back, chest, upper lip, and many other locations. This laser treatment will improve your appearance by sending energy into the pigmentation in the roots of your hair follicles.
This laser technique is very safe, and you will be able to go back to your usual activities as soon as we finish removing your unwanted hair. To achieve the best results from our laser energy, you will probably receive multiple hair removal treatments.
Lines and Wrinkles
When you get older, the composition of your dermal tissues will change. In particular, your body will start to make lower amounts of the structural proteins that help your skin stay flexible and resilient. These proteins are called elastin and collagen.
As your elastin and collagen proteins begin to diminish, creases and lines will appear on your face. We can use our laser to help your body make higher amounts of these powerful proteins. Increasing your production of these proteins will fade your lines and wrinkles.
How Many Laser Treatments Will I Need?
To achieve the most dramatic changes in your acne, pigmentation issues, and other problems, we will probably advise you to get several laser sessions. The exact number of sessions that you receive will depend on the type of skin issues that you are trying to improve and the severity of your aesthetic challenges.
For example, if you are trying to reverse age-related changes in your skin, we may advise you to get four to six treatments. To give your facial tissues time to react to the laser energy, you will need to wait several weeks between each treatment. We will give you more information about your treatment schedule after we have analyzed your lines, acne, scars, and other skin problems.
Clear Your Skin
You shouldn’t spend your time and money on creams and lotions that don’t improve your blackheads and blemishes. Getting a Laser Acne Removal treatment will clear your skin and give you a bright, attractive complexion. To learn whether you are a good candidate for a laser treatment, contact us at Radiant Reflections Weight Loss Clinic & Medspa in Hattiesburg, MS to schedule an initial meeting.